There are multiple opportunities through Big Brothers Big Sisters. Please read below carefully. If you are selected to complete your placement with Big Brothers Big Sisters, you will have additional application forms to complete distributed to you by your instructor.
Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
The student will be responsible for:
- Delivering the prepared Go Girls! material to a group of 4-16 girls aged 11-14 in an after school setting
- Participating in a mandatory 4 hour training session (hours will go toward placement)
- Completing the agency application and interview. This includes a vulnerable sector check (within the last 6 months) and provide 3 references
- Providing young girls with the opportunity to participate in fun, educational games and activities to encourage mentor/participant relationship building throughout a 7 week program (running once a week for 1.5 – 2 hours)
- Arriving to schools prepared and on time. Students will facilitate the Go Girls! program at 1-2 schools per semester.
- Addressing topics such as physical activity, healthy eating choices, self-esteem and relationships
- Communicating effectively with your Go Girls! partner, the School Champion and Big Brothers Big Sisters Caseworker. Regular monitoring updates will be completed with Big Brothers Big Sisters Caseworker throughout placement
- Ensuring the safety and well-being of Go Girls! participants
- Following the established curriculum and lesson plans
Game On! Eat Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart
The Student will be responsible for:
- Delivering the prepared Game On! material to a group of 4-16 boys aged 11-14 in an after school setting
- Participating in a mandatory 4 hour training session (hours will go toward placement)
- Completing the agency application and interview. This includes a vulnerable sector check (within the last 6 months) and provide 3 references
- Providing young men with the opportunity to participate in fun, educational games and activities to encourage mentor/participant relationship building throughout a 7 week program (running once a week for 1.5-2 hours)
- Arriving to schools prepared and on time. Students will facilitate the Game On! program at 1-2 schools per semester
- Addressing topics such as physical activity, healthy eating choices, self-esteem and relationships
- Communicating effectively with your Game On! partner, the School Champion and Big Brothers Big Sisters Caseworker. Regular monitoring updates will be completed with Big Brothers Big Sisters Caseworker throughout placement.
- Ensuring the safety and well-being of Game On! participants.
- Following the established curriculum and lesson plans
Big Bunch
Big Bunch serves children who are already enrolled with the Big Brothers Big Sisters agency and are currently waiting for a Traditional Big Brother or Sister match. A Big Bunch match presents the opportunity to take part in community activities in a small group setting
The student will responsible for:
- Completing the agency application and interview. This includes a vulnerable sector check (within the last 6 months), 3 references and medical clearance
- Participating in a mandatory pre-match training session (hours will go towards placement).
- Communicating with the Big Brothers Big Sisters Caseworker. Regular and mandatory monitoring updates will be completed with Caseworker throughout placement
- Ensuring the safety and well-being of 2-3 Big Bunch mentees
Big Bunch mentors will:
- Select 2-3 Littles to be paired in a Big Bunch based on age, common interests etc.
- Meet with Big Bunch mentees in the community twice per month for 1-4 hours for a period of 5 months. *length and number of outings may have to be altered to ensure full placement hours are being met*
- Be a consistent and positive mentor by modeling responsible behaviours such as reliability, honesty, respect, appropriate manners etc.
- Follow Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay and District policies and procedures.
*Other opportunities for all placements will be available for additional placement hours within the agency. This includes agency events, parties and assisting within an office setting*
Click here to return to placement opportunities for Option 1 PHED 4106.