Student Applications

Please refer to your Course Outline for full details, then select the appropriate application for your needs.  Submissions can be emailed directly to

PHED 3106 Student Application
PHED 4106 Student Application – Option 1*
PHED 4106 Student Application – Option 2 **

* Option 1, is for students interested in selecting a placement location from a list of pre-approved placement hosts.  Question 2 on the application form asks you to list your TOP 3  locations.  CLICK HERE to access the list of opportunities available to you.

** Option 2, is for students who are submitting a placement for approval.  They must ensure that the placement host at their proposed location has submitted a Placement Request Form, and be aware of the fact that a proposed placement is not guaranteed until approved by the Physical and Health Education Coordinator.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Once you are matched for a placement, you will not be permitted to change locations nor should you attempt to ‘swap’ placements with peers.  All approvals must go through the Physical and Health Education Coordinator.  Placement success is worth 45% of your final grade.  Failure to complete requirements and expectations outlined by your instructor and/or placement host can lead to a failed grade or request to withdraw from the program.