mini CAMPS Descriptions

Sporty Crafters

Mr. Mason and Mr. Randy welcome children to their mini CAMP where they will learn new skills and embrace their creativity through sport and crafts.  Children will experience a combination of physical activity games within the classroom, along with engaging crafts that they will be able to bring home!  Sporty Crafters is the perfect place to meet new friends, be creative, laugh and grow!

Great Outdoors

This mini CAMP is bringing the outdoors inside while creating an environment filled with new adventures. Mr. Tyler and Ms. Mikaela will share knowledge about the land that surrounds them, and engage children in a variety of fun activities that welcome creativity and team work.  mini CAMPERS will explore campus with an outdoor hike and learn about outdoor safety.  They will be eager to tell you all about their indoor ‘camp stories’ and share what they have made.


What is your child(ren)’s SUPER POWER? This mini CAMP invites girls and boys to explore their own strengths and become a Superhero!  Children will use their creativity when designing their very own mask or cape, and get their bodies moving with interactive games and activities celebrating their ‘powers’.  Mr. Noah and Ms. Kaila believe that every child is a Superhero, and are looking forward to meeting yours!

Winter Wonderland

“Snow” many ways to stay healthy during the winter!  Enjoy games and activities in our snowy surroundings with Ms. Cass and Mr. Brayden.  Winter Wonderland mini CAMP will look at traditional winter activities both inside and outside the classroom.  Children will have the opportunity to share their favourite winter activities and will have a few new ideas to bring home, and creations to share!

Please Note:

* Some mini CAMPS will include outdoor activities for children.  If the weather is poor or reaches temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius, mini CAMP leaders will provide indoor alternatives keeping with the theme of their mini CAMP.